Sunday, 25 November 2012

A primary research in mudbox

I took 3 hours to do some research in mudbox, it's quite new to me, so firstly,I found some introduction of mudbox. I want to know more about the sculpture module and the texture module with the reference pics .
The paint tool , mainly learned how to paint the contract on the surface of the model.That will be useful in the texture of the old boot .
Otherwise ,there are also some disadvantages of the paint tool, we couln't see some tiny details when we are painting, so we still need the seperated UV to solve it.
The painting with the reference pic, quite like this function,,we can use it to make some beautiful texture on it,like wood and iron.
 Finally  , the sculpture module.It's very convinience to built details ,but it's quite like Zbrush , but the amount of the brushes are seldom.For the shoe it's enough .

I tried once to import the model into the mudbox, but the x ray mood appeared again,really don't know how to solve it.So I built another model in the mudbox immediately in the mudbox to test it and used something I've just learned from the videos, that's better, but i have no time to detail it, just wait until the maya models are done.


Finally finished the modeling ,I used 3 different ways to make the shoe, i used only extude in the first time  then I made it piece by piece for the second time ,at last i combined them together and made carefully to avoid some stupid mistakes.I smoothed the model then exported it to Zbrush to make some details on it.But there is a mistake that I could solve.
Just like the pic above, there was the display like X-ray , I tried many times to find the answer online ,but it didn't work.And if someone know about this  ,please tell me.

The texture test:used the photoshop to draw the map .find a lot of details need to improve in the texture , and also need some bump map.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

The first storyboard of the Ikaros project

  • After a disscussion in the whole afternoon,we've made this storyboard.Jack and I designed every shoot and tried to painted them out.We designed to let the character to come out from the clouds,Micheal will focus on the visual effects such as the clouds and the explosion at the end of the movie.
  • We decided to use 4 scenes :London ,Eygpt,Rio and Manhattan,and set the London eye,pyramid,Statue of Jesus,buildings as the symbols of the 4cities. 
  • We'll only model the some parts of the scenes to let it be more achiveble .And use the different angles to  let it comes alive

Two attempts in the polygon modelling

The first attempt for the shoe.Only used the extude tool to build them all,Then,when I wanted to give the facets a thickness,so I uesd the extude again,but some horrible mistakes appeared when I was almost finished!I could hardly corrected them all!I spent approximately 5hours to correct it,but it didn't work.So I decided to use another way to madke it.
I built the shoe by pieces this time, and then extude , it seems more clearer and easier to build, and almost no mistakes in it, I will finish it and then import it to Zbrush to build more details.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Birthday cards sketches for my roommate!

Design and paint all of the birthday cards, really fun!Some were from "Kungfu panda"!

Mood broad of the project:Roses and Dust

Quite like the inflatted modellings of the character,so I collected some girls with big head and Three head body,and also the guy with the long legs,but that could be more complicated in modelling and animation modules .And I also find some references for the enviornment ,and the color as well.

The sketch of the character and enviornment of the "Rose and Dust"

The three head body ,quiet like the inflatted style of the characters.

The house,I was thought of the tree house , but that's not easy for the girl to look after her garden and then the actions will be more complicated, so I just painted a simple one.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Hardly recommend this video!Like the style of the expression so much!As our group has no animators  ,I think this form of expression could be the most achieveable ~There is no complicated animation, just the camera moving and the beautiful angles of shooting.That's what we need maybe.And all of the characters were built in 3D but rendered like 2D .Really amazing~